Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatások (159)

Hagymák 75/105 - Extra nagy hagymák

Hagymák 75/105 - Extra nagy hagymák

FlevoTrade sortiert Zwiebeln in verschiedenen Größen. Hightech-Geräte in Kombination mit handwerklichem Können sorgen dafür, dass die Zwiebeln im richtigen Zustand verarbeitet werden. Suchen Sie eine bestimmte Größe? Kontaktieren Sie uns direkt für weitere Informationen.
Hagymák 50/70 - Közepes méretű hagymák

Hagymák 50/70 - Közepes méretű hagymák

FlevoTrade trie des oignons de différentes tailles. Des équipements de haute technologie combinés à un savoir-faire artisanal garantissent que les oignons sont traités dans de bonnes conditions. Vous cherchez une taille spécifique ? Contactez-nous directement pour plus d'informations.
Hagymák csomagolva FlevoTrade táskába - márkás táska

Hagymák csomagolva FlevoTrade táskába - márkás táska

FlevoTrade verpackt Zwiebeln in verschiedenen Markenbeuteln, zum Beispiel in unseren eigenen FlevoTrade-Beuteln. Bei einer ausreichenden Anzahl von Bestellungen können wir dies auch für Ihr Label realisieren! Nehmen Sie für weitere Informationen direkt Kontakt mit uns auf. Dank unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung in diesem Sektor und unserer wunderbaren langfristigen Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen innerhalb und außerhalb des Sektors haben wir bewiesen, dass Zwiebeln bei weitem unser Hauptprodukt sind. Und darauf sind wir stolz!
Hagyma 60/80 - Nagy Hagyma

Hagyma 60/80 - Nagy Hagyma

FlevoTrade sortuje cebulę w różnych rozmiarach. Zaawansowany technologicznie sprzęt w połączeniu z kunsztem rzemieślniczym zapewnia, że cebula jest przetwarzana we właściwym stanie. Szukasz określonego rozmiaru? Skontaktuj się z nami bezpośrednio, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
Burgonya - Több mint 35 éves tapasztalat a burgonya termesztésében

Burgonya - Több mint 35 éves tapasztalat a burgonya termesztésében

As batatas são um dos alimentos mais consumidos no mundo e fazem parte da dieta essencial em muitas culturas. Foi estabelecida uma grande rede de produtores de batatas e a nossa cooperação com as estações de embalagem de batatas permite-nos fazer a seleção certa para exportar batatas para vários destinos.
Hagyma 60/80 - Nagy Hagyma

Hagyma 60/80 - Nagy Hagyma

A FlevoTrade selecciona cebolas de diferentes tamanhos. O equipamento de alta tecnologia combinado com o trabalho artesanal garante que as cebolas são processadas nas condições correctas. Procura um tamanho específico? Contacte-nos diretamente para mais informações.
Péksütemény csomagolás

Péksütemény csomagolás

We have been providing packaging for traditional bakeries and industrial bakeries for many years. From a simple cardboard cake box to a fully printed cake box with a window. Many unprinted items are available from stock; cake cartons, cake cartons with PE, slide-in cartons, glued slide-in cartons, biscuit bag interiors, bag sliders, gooseneck boxes, cake boxes, cake boxes, window boxes, parate boxes, duplex boxes, pie boxes. We produce custom printed packaging for bakeries. Your design or printing is the basis for the packaging. We can provide printed bakery packaging. A printed cake box with a window is a real eye catcher on the shelf. Bakers, real bakers and industrial bakeries are welcome customers at Zaadhof Cartonnagefabriek. We deliver the bakery packaging throughout the country. Business to business.
RL Automatikus Gyűrűs Stretch Wrapper

RL Automatikus Gyűrűs Stretch Wrapper

Cold Package Cold Package option allows efficient operation of stretch wrapper in an environment where the temperature range is +31 to +10 degrees Fahrenheit. Top Sheet Dispenser Two to four mil poly film, 80" wide is automatically applied over the top of load for moisture and dust protection. In-line top sheet dispenser model applies and secures sheet of film over load as it indexes into the wrap zone with no interruption to the wrapping cycle. Mid-wrap top sheet dispenser applies and secures sheet of film over top of load during the wrapping cycle. Load is protected with five-sided coverage. Conveyor Sections Available in 5' sections and 10' and 12' wrap zone sections. Close-spaced and tight-spaced conveyor rollers. Standard and non-standard pass heights. Includes safety fencing and additional safety photocells mounted on the safety shield. Additional Wrap Height Capacity For wrapping loads which exceed the 80" wrap height capacity of the standard system. Will handle loads up... Production Speed:Up to 180 loads per hour Maximum Load Size:1270 mm L x 1270 mm W x 2030 mm H (50 Minimum Load Size:910 mm L x 910 mm W x 610 mm H (36 Maximum Load Weight:Conveyor Capacity Rotation Drive:TEFC AC Motor Pallet Grip®:Standard Load Guardian:Standard Standard Film Width:508 mm (20 Standard Pre-Stretch:220% Film Capacity:254 mm Diameter x 508 mm Width (10 Film Delivery System:Metered Film Delivery System Automation Unit - Film Clamp:Load Seeking Clamp with Press & Seal Approx. Shipping Weight:3360 kg (7400 lbs) Size:2920 mm L x 2440 mm W x 4650 mm H (115
SL Automatikus Magas Sebességű Straddle Stretch Wrapper

SL Automatikus Magas Sebességű Straddle Stretch Wrapper

Cold Package Cold Package option allows efficient operation of stretch wrapper in an environment where the temperature range is +31 to +10 degrees Fahrenheit. 750 MM Metered Film Delivery System For customer applications where 30” wide film is used. 25 RPM Package Wrap arm rotation is increased to 25 RPM. Includes PowerFlex 40 variable frequency drives, additional fencing, visual barriers (Yellow Railroad Gates) at the infeed and exit transition, and a larger machine frame. 35 RPM Package Wrap arm rotation is increased to 35 RPM. Includes PowerFlex 40 variable frequency drives, additional fencing, visual barriers (Yellow Railroad Gates) at the infeed and exit transition, and a larger machine frame. 40 RPM Package Wrap arm rotation is increased to 40 RPM. Includes 9/5/9 standard spaced conveyor layout with variable speed drive control and conveyor speeds of 60-90 FPM (high speed staging). Includes additional fencing and safety light guards. Top Sheet Dispenser Two to four mil poly... Production Speed:Up to 110 loads per hour (depends on speed package) Maximum Load Size:1473 mm L x 1473 mm W x 2032 mm H (58 Minimum Load Size:914 mm L x 914 mm W x 610 mm H (36 Maximum Load Weight:Conveyor Capacity Wrap Arm Speed:Up to 40 RPM (depends on speed package) Wrap Arm Drive:VFD Motor Control Pallet Grip®:Standard Load Guardian:Standard Standard Pre-Stretch:225% (100-300% Available) Film Capacity:254 mm Diameter, 508 mm Width (10 Film Delivery System:Metered Film Delivery System Automation Unit - Film Clamp:Load Seeking Clamp 4.0 Approx. Shipping Weight:5194 kg (11450 lbs)